Secrets To Waking Up Early (Even If You Hate Mornings!)

Secrets To Waking Up Early (Even If You Hate Mornings!)

Believe it or not – most people spend too much time in bed. And even more people make the mistake of thinking that more time in bed = more energy and feeling ready for the day. Now I know getting out of bed can be tough. The alarm goes off and for a moment and you...
5 Reasons Why Running When It’s Cold Is Good For You

5 Reasons Why Running When It’s Cold Is Good For You

I’m going to guess that you’re reading this article because you enjoy running (or know someone who does)… Or you’ve read the title and thought it sounds crazy – what could possibly be good about running in the cold, right? I’m not going to pretend that I “enjoy”...
Why Walking In the Fall Can Make You Feel Healthier & Happier

Why Walking In the Fall Can Make You Feel Healthier & Happier

Let’s talk about the Fall. What’s that?  Being that it’s California, we don’t see the seasons change much.  But when it starts getting cold, the number one thing that most people stop doing is– getting outdoors. While summer may strike you as the best time to be...
Why Backpack Safety is important for your child

Why Backpack Safety is important for your child

Since this week is the first week back to school for most students, I thought it would be most appropriate to talk about backpack safety. Our our backpacks really harmful? They can be. A heavy backpack can contribute to headaches, changes in your child’s posture,...