Are your joints starting to feel stiff lately? Do they ache more than usual? Have you noticed any clicks and cracks coming from your knees? If you’re struggling to put your finger on it and you’re not sure why it’s happening to you -chances are you’re not alone. Many...
In January, we’re overloaded with so many weight loss messages, that even the most confident of us can feel under pressure to lose weight… …And those of us who may not even need to shift a few pounds, question if they should be trying to or not. So a lot of us end up...
Christmas and New Year’s Eve now seem far behind us. The Turkey’s been eaten, and the last few celebrations have been demolished and we’re well into tackling the next festive ritual – a New Year health kick. And if like many people you’ve made a New Year resolution to...
It’s that time of year again. Everyone is talking about New Year resolutions. The internet is covered with posts on New Year goals, and friends and family are asking everyone about what they want to stick to for 2017. Each year you promise yourself that you will do...
As the new year approaches, chances are you’re beginning to think about picking up on one or two fitness habits as part of your New Year’s Resolution. And if it’s walking or jogging that you’re considering, here are a few things you should consider to protect vital...
Ok, I know we’re still early in the holiday season, but most people have their Christmas party (or parties!), scheduled already. And if you, or anyone you know, are anything like my wife, the Christmas party outfit will be planned already… or at least ready to be...