How To Make Sure Back Pain (And Your MD) Don’t Rob You Of Your Retirement Dream…

How To Make Sure Back Pain (And Your MD) Don’t Rob You Of Your Retirement Dream…

February 5, 2018

Ok, I HAD to share this with you…

I received the most incredible email and photos this week from a patient of ours who only a year ago had been told her retirement plans, after working so hard for them, may in fact never become a reality.

How To Avoid The Trap Of Back Pain Compromising Your Retirement Plans And Dreams…

Retirement for many patients we see here at Empower Physical and Therapy and Wellness means freedom to do what you want, when you want! You’ve worked so hard for it all your life and you’ve earned it!

Here’s just a few of the common retirement goals that our patients have shared with us:

“When I retire I’m going to be more active, walk more, travel, spend more quality time with the family and my grandkids.”

I’m sure you’ve heard similar, and maybe you’re even planning the same for your retirement too?

If so… keep reading!

There’s a common factor that we don’t take into consideration when planning our dreams than can often creep up on us – particularly in our 50s and 60’s….

And that’s the curse of back pain. So many of us have a lifestyle and jobs that involve a lot of sitting.

Whether this is on a computer, in an office or driving to and from work, its unavoidable! And our backs simply aren’t designed to take the pressure of sitting for so much of our lives.

The thing is, when you’re younger you can “get away with it”.

But here’s the thing, when we get older – it becomes hard to get away with this!

Think of your body like a car – after so many years and miles of working hard, cars need a tuning up again to run smoothly. Well our bodies are exactly the same. So when was the last time you gave you’re body an tune up?…

Ok, so back to Bridget (who has sent me her incredible photos) Bridget had a great career as a teacher – and a damn good one too, and had planned traveling far and wide with her husband for when they both retired.

Not long after she retired was when the most dreaded thing happened.

Bang. Back pain literally stopped her in her tracks.

Yes Bridget had suffered with the odd aches and pains in her back over the years when she sat too long, but that’s quite normal right?


Those aches and pains are your bodies’ way of letting you know something’s not right and you need a “safety inspection”.

After repeatedly being told by her MD “its just ‘wear and tear’, keep taking pain killers”… Bridget came to us desperate to keep her dream of enjoying all of the walking holidays that she’s worked all her life for, alive.

Luckily Bridget (like many others suffering unnecessarily with aches and pains), just needed a few tight muscles relaxing and weak muscles strengthened. Simple!

Thank goodness Bridget didn’t listen to her MD, or she’d still be suffering now.

Sounds scary right?

But instead she has just returned from an incredible two-week holiday in the Swiss Alps.

Now keeping herself strong with Pilates and her monthly “safety inspection” in the clinic, Bridget already has many more holidays planned for the future with her husband and family.

If you want to know more about how to make sure your future isn’t compromised by ill health just get in touch and claim your FREE Discovery Visit with a Physical Therapist today.

Or you can download our free tips guide packed full of ways to help ease your back pain without the use of painkillers here:

PS – Oh yeah, and Bridget just turned 70!!!!

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